There's just something about a thunderstorm.
Ever since I was little, I was terrified of any storm warning, watch or cumulous cloud. It probably started when my sisters and I were on a walk and a sudden storm came out of no where and planted itself directly over Henderson, NE.
I remember looking back at my mom and her telling me to go ahead and run home. There was a feeling of complete shock inside of me that I still feel today when my mom told me to go ahead without her. Who would ever? I couldn't. I was probably around the age of four, who knows, but as I turned back around a flash encompassed my surroundings and a bolt of lightening hit the ground only a few paces in front of me.
From then on, I've been terrified.
Don't get me wrong, I don't start hibernating at the sound of thunder. And actually I've come to really enjoy storms when I'm in the comfort of my own home, with those I love. I feel completely uncomfortable when someone in my family is not reachable or is driving during a storm. Maybe thats showing a lack of trust on my part.
I know the Lord protects. In the immensity and the grandeur of the storm that hit Lincoln last night, it showed me He is so much more powerful then anything I could imagine. He could have released so much more, but instead he just graced us with his presence.
Do not fear, says the Lord.
We are constantly told not to worry and that God protects and he is good but in that there are reminders such as last night.. that we are to fear the Lord.
I hope that I never forget how big God is. I'm so glad that he constantly shows us his grace even when we don't deserve it. His protection when constantly neglect him.
Thank you Lord for today.
So truly spoken Mallory!! I thought of you during that storm.... Dad and I were sitting on the deck of Bread and Cup. I knew you were in class so I didn't text you.... Momma (and ps the lightening was a few paces behind you!!)